Kendart-Systems is an IT consulting provider based in Bucharest, Romania. Our consulting services includes:

  • Application deployment[1]
  • Cloud migration
  • Devops automation
  1. Simply put, application deployment means that we can help you to deploy your application (it could be a PHP, Python, NodeJS or any other programming language or framework) on various cloud platforms (for example Microsoft Azure). In most cases, on container platforms (like Azure App Services) or virtual machines.

Cloud onboarding

  • The onboarding process covers all the actions to configure and deploy your application.
  • Based on your high availability requirements, during this phase we will also create a backup strategy and a disaster recovery plan.

DevOps Automation

Our DevOps services will include all automation tasks to build your application (continuous integration) and to deploy new builds (continuous deployment) along with other automation like:

  • Code quality and security testing
  • Infrastructure as Code
  • Scheduled tasks

Monitoring and alerts

The configuration of the ‘three pillars of observability’ provides an overview of resource performances and alerts you when any unexpected event occurs:

  • Metrics reflect the health and performance your applications.
  • Logs records of all events.
  • Traces for monitoring and debugging complex applications.






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